Friday, February 27, 2015


Do You Want to be Known as The Dumb One?

Why do people insist on trying to make relationships work that obviously are not going to work? I have friends that I swear search out bad relationships. They find guys that are worthless or just assholes and then they try to date them. Then other times they find guys and try to completely change who they are. Why do that? Just find a guy that you like just the way he is and go from there. I also know guys that are just as bad. They are in a relationship or married and they insist on cheating and trying to find a side chick then get mad when the side chick wants more. You cant go around telling girls you love them and that you will leave your wife or girlfriend for them. Then when they want you to hold up to that and you don't they get mad and stop talking to you but you make them seem like the bad ones. WTF is wrong with you people? Another thing that drives me crazy is when someone stays with someone that treats them like complete shit then when they finally leave that person the jump into another relationship with another person that treats them like crap and tries so hard to make it work. Women like this need to realize there are better guys out there and men like this need to stop latching onto a piece of ass or staying with someone just cuz you have kids together. Relationships like these are worse for kids then divorce or breakups of their parents. Don't believe me google it. Here I did that for you,(click the link) proof 
My life is no where near perfect but I try my hardest to be happy and make my kids happy. I would never stay with an abusive person no mater what. People turn off your asshole/bitch radar and start looking for a good person. Make standards and stick to them. For example a few of mine are, I don't want to date convicts, drug addicts, or dumb asses. I want them to be independent, funny, and good with kids. Seems simple but you would be surprised how many people don't stick to their own standards when looking for someone. Also I feel that if you are not comfortable introducing your kids to the person they are not worth a first date. I'm not saying to introduce them to your kids right away but trust your gut if they make you feel uncomfortable then don't do it. Oh and to my cheating married friends, get a divorce you weren't cut out for marriage i feel sorry for your spouse unless they are dumb enough to know about your infidelities and stay with your loser ass then they are the real dumb asses.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What to talk about?

I sure could use some feedback from the people that read this. Of course there is only like 2 people that read this lmao. Oh well what do you few want me to blog about? I haven't had anything to rant about in the last few days. My life is going well with my boyfriend and things are on track, for the most part, with my kids. I love my lil family I have now well I guess 6 isn't a lil family lol. 4 kid 2 adults but I love all of them and wouldn't trade them for the world. I haven't really talked to to many off my friends. They all have crazy shit going on. Sick family members and bad breakups. I just try to be supportive without getting in the middle of things. Well that's all for now stay cool and comment away people.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why Are People such Pains in the Ass

People make me so mad!

I think people just try to piss me off! I try to stay to myself most the time. I don't have too many friends, I don't go out very much. I just want to focus on getting my life together and being a good parent. It seems like there are always a line of people just waiting for me to mess up so they can destroy what I have worked so hard to accomplish. I try to do what is right and now i regret it. I blame my best friend for forcing my hand in one aspect of my life. (she knows who she is) I wouldn't have to deal with her exes drama if she didn't tell my secret to him. I was doing fine without this ass in my life now I have to deal with the blow back of their breakup. WTF! I knew them being together was a mistake but no one ever listens to me they think dating my exes is a good idea. What kind of friends do I have that want to date my exes when I have told them all the worst parts about these jerks. OK enough about my BFF vs Exes drama. People post stupid stuff on Facebook then get mad at me when i make a comment pointing out their stupidity. I can't help that they contradict or make themselves hypocrites on there. I don't care what people say or think about me I am who I am and I am proud of that. I hate people that act like your friend just because they want what you have or need something from you. I only have like 2 true friends, don't get me wrong we fight and we have issues but in the end we have each others back in the end. My Facebook is full of people that are my "friends" yet they never offer to hang out or invite me to things. I used to post events and invite everyone on my FB to come out with me no one would show up everyone has an excuse on why they can never hang out. Oh well no tears shed for these people. I have been deleting more and more people off my FB because I'm sick of fake people and whining about stupid shit. FB seems to be a community of people that don't really care about each other but post comments of gratitude and "Amens" like that's gonna help someone. Delete me from your facebook that is fine with me I lived years without FB but of course FB is kinda like high school where everyone pretends to get along but talks crap behind each others backs. Fun times! I used to post all this crazy talk on my FB but it seemed to offend sissy people and they would cry to me making sure my status wasn't about them. If you think what I write is about you then it probably is or you're a crazy person that thinks the world revolves around you. If you are still reading this and are pissed or want to tell me how you feel then comment away my "friends". Till next time stay cool and don't let the assholes of the world bring you down.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Books Oh How I Love Books

Books Oh How I Love Books

OK as the title states I love books. Not just because I love to read but I love the smell of books the feel of the pages between my fingers. OK all you pervs get your lil heads out of the gutter I'm not some freak that gets turned on by books lol. I just love the craftsmanship of old books. I wish I had the money to collect them. Books are amazing things! They can take you to far off places and engulf your mind in worlds and pleasures only your heart could desire. They are better then movies and TV because they make your imagination go into overload in the best ways possible. For all you people that say you hate reading I believe it is just because you have tried to read the wrong books. I truly feel there is a book out there for every person you just need to find it. You can call me a nerd or a dork but I will wear those titles proudly! I even started an unconventional book club with my sister and best friend. Books are magical and the best gift anyone could give. The best gift is an old well used beat up book. The best date is going to a book store and just looking at books and talking about random things. The world would be a better place if people just opened their minds and let all the worries go and got lost in a book for a few hours a day. Just consider it and if you want some help finding the best book for you I will try my hardest to assist. So leave some comments suggest some books and ask away people. until next time stay cool and escape to a great place between the pages of a book.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Random Thought of a Crazy Woman

Crazy is in the eye of the beholder!

I think I am crazy for starting this blog. I also think I am crazy for all the things I worry about. If I think I am crazy does that mean I'm not crazy because they say crazy people don't know they are crazy right? What is normal and can any person say they are 100% normal? NO! and if you try to say otherwise you are just lying to yourself. Weird is a word used to describe people that are different then what you think is "normal". Every ones "normal" is different so how can we lump people into titles like "weird" or "crazy" when there is no way for anyone to be normal. I'm just going to continue to be me and do things the way I want to. I am not worried what other people think of me. Either you like me for me or you are just another fascist trying to make me into what you view as "normal". Well FYI assholes this is the normal me in my eyes. So power to all the people that dare to live outside the box and walk your own path. You are the truly brave people of the world and I hope the youth follow those ideals and live to be true to who they want to be. 

OK now I am starting to sound like some sort of activist lmao. I have the same problems as everyone else I don't hold myself above anyone else so don't use my blog as a way to bash people or something it is not. I am just a crazy chick with millions of thoughts on my mind and I'm just trying to get them out of my head for a lil bit. No one is forcing you to read this but if you are thank you and feel free to comment away. I would love to know who reads my blog and what you take away from it. so until next time stay "CRAZY" my freaky people!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lets get started!

This is all new for me so I'm gonna treat this like my own personal online journal. Blogging sounds like a good idea to me so this is my test run lets see how it goes. 

My name is Alex and I will probably vent on my blog talking about everything from kids, friends, family, boyfriends, and who knows what else. My mind races and a million thoughts run through my head and I am hoping this blog helps me settle my mind some. I don't know how this blog is gonna work but I hope I can get feed back from others on my thoughts and craziness lol. Today is the dreaded Valentines day, gerr who the hell likes this holiday? Men rack their poor lil brains trying to get their significant other the perfect gift and woman act like whatever gift they got their significant other is actually what they wanted. here is a hint ladies if it isn't sex related most guys don't give a crap what you got them and men if it didn't cost an arm and leg or if it isn't the most meaningful gift in the world you are screwed. All of that is supposed to represent true love? well sounds like a bunch of superficial BS to me. that's my opinion though and I'm just a crazy person writing a blog cuz I am crazy lol. well hope you have a great Valentine's Day and didn't mess up too bad on gift buying :)