Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why Are People such Pains in the Ass

People make me so mad!

I think people just try to piss me off! I try to stay to myself most the time. I don't have too many friends, I don't go out very much. I just want to focus on getting my life together and being a good parent. It seems like there are always a line of people just waiting for me to mess up so they can destroy what I have worked so hard to accomplish. I try to do what is right and now i regret it. I blame my best friend for forcing my hand in one aspect of my life. (she knows who she is) I wouldn't have to deal with her exes drama if she didn't tell my secret to him. I was doing fine without this ass in my life now I have to deal with the blow back of their breakup. WTF! I knew them being together was a mistake but no one ever listens to me they think dating my exes is a good idea. What kind of friends do I have that want to date my exes when I have told them all the worst parts about these jerks. OK enough about my BFF vs Exes drama. People post stupid stuff on Facebook then get mad at me when i make a comment pointing out their stupidity. I can't help that they contradict or make themselves hypocrites on there. I don't care what people say or think about me I am who I am and I am proud of that. I hate people that act like your friend just because they want what you have or need something from you. I only have like 2 true friends, don't get me wrong we fight and we have issues but in the end we have each others back in the end. My Facebook is full of people that are my "friends" yet they never offer to hang out or invite me to things. I used to post events and invite everyone on my FB to come out with me no one would show up everyone has an excuse on why they can never hang out. Oh well no tears shed for these people. I have been deleting more and more people off my FB because I'm sick of fake people and whining about stupid shit. FB seems to be a community of people that don't really care about each other but post comments of gratitude and "Amens" like that's gonna help someone. Delete me from your facebook that is fine with me I lived years without FB but of course FB is kinda like high school where everyone pretends to get along but talks crap behind each others backs. Fun times! I used to post all this crazy talk on my FB but it seemed to offend sissy people and they would cry to me making sure my status wasn't about them. If you think what I write is about you then it probably is or you're a crazy person that thinks the world revolves around you. If you are still reading this and are pissed or want to tell me how you feel then comment away my "friends". Till next time stay cool and don't let the assholes of the world bring you down.

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