Friday, April 10, 2015

Haters Gonna Hate

I have the worst luck with people. Well I guess I wouldn't say it that way I guess I mean people can't handle me very well lol. I don't care if every person on my FB deleted me right now I would just be like WTF and then move on. Don't get me wrong I care about my friends and family but I don't need social media to care about the people I care about, but social media makes keeping in touch easier that's why I use it. Anyway I got a little side tracked there, if you decide to delete me and block me on FB with no explanation I'm thinking maybe you weren't my friend to begin with. Also, its nice to talk crap about me to my friends because then I get to hear about how much of a two faced jerk you really are. I hate that I try to give advice and listen when people need someone to talk then get stabbed in the back. Anything bad I have ever said about my friends to anyone I have said to their faces I'm not scared of confrontation. I tell people like it is sometimes I may word it different so it doesn't come out so hurtful but in the end I say what I feel. People need to hear the truth even if it hurts them. I am not perfect by any means and I encourage my friends to be honest with me even if it is something I may not want to hear at the time but one point I need to hear it. To all you people that talk crap behind my back grow a pair and say that shit to my face. Also I'm sick of all these half truths that you all throw around. You are just telling the parts of the story that make you look good WTF. I'm not mad I am just sick of people coming to me saying oh so and so said this about you or look at these screenshots of a conversation I had with some bitch that likes to run her mouth behind your back. Why do people have to talk shit behind my back am I that scary that they can't say it to me? If so then right on I am a scary bitch my work here is done lol. FB is like high school its all drama and sometimes funny or crazy stuff happens. So as long as things are entertaining I'll keep my FB and keep sharing memories with people that actually have lives other then just starting drama and making out with their cats because they can't keep a man and no one in their right mind wants a bitch that sounds like a pug with asthma when she breaths. Oops, started to rant a little there hehehehe. What I really want to do is write the names of all the people that have pissed me off here lately and enlist anyone that reads this to make those peoples life a living hell but I won't because I like having this blog and my FB and I don't want to get deleted. So I guess I'll be a good girl and keep my cool until the time comes and these people actually try to talk to me then I can let them hear how I really feel about them. So to all my readers thanks again for reading my crazy blog and keep coming back. feel free to share this on any social media that you have I would love for EVERYONE to read my blog. So until next time Peace Out! 

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