Thursday, May 7, 2015


Alone is a word that has a deeper meaning then its definition truly explains. Alone can be a feeling not just the absence of another person or thing. Alone can be the fact that you think differently then others or when your opinions are different then others. Alone can mean deceit from people you thought cared. So when someone says they are alone don't make them feel bad for feeling that way even when you are around maybe it is something you did or didn't do that is making that person feel alone. I am alone in many ways my beliefs and opinions aren't always accepted or considered "mainstream" but I am OK with this "weirdness" and being alone. Being what everyone wants me to be never worked well for me. I was always at my happiest being myself even if that meant I stood out and I had to stand alone most the time. Being alone like that is a good thing in my eyes. If people developed their own thoughts on things instead of doing what everyone told them was "right" or what was expected maybe people wouldn't feel bullied or scared by people different then them. I know I don't stand alone in this but not many around me can say they believe what they believe out of there own choice most of them were taught to think a certain way and never had the guts to go against that. If that's the way you want to live your life so be it but don't get mad when the rest of the world doesn't do the same. We can be alone in our beliefs we don't have to follow other peoples standards. We are individuals that means we are the only one, we are alone. I am not using the word alone in a bad way here it should empower you as an individual to follow your dreams and don't let others bring you down. Always fight for what you believe in but in this fight consider this everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs no matter how weird or crazy they seem to you it is their right as a human being to think on their own. I am not bad mouthing anyone in this post I am not saying any one person is better then another all I am saying is we are all alone in one way or another and maybe it is time to be more understanding and less judgmental for a change. We may be alone but we are together as humans and nothing can change that.

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