I wish I could write all the things that are in my head but if I did then everyone would be mad at me and hate me. I don't care if people don't like me I just don't feel like listening to people defend their stupid ass decisions. I make mistakes but I don't blame everyone else for them. Some people in my life drive me up a damn wall most the time. I am so sick of being the bad guy because I can't help when you need it or because you ask my opinion on something then you don't like what I have to say. WTF people don't talk to no more I don't give a crap anymore. I'm sick of the stupidity of humans and how shallow people really are. I'm not dumb enough to fall for your guilt trips or to give you pity because you feel sorry for yourself. Grow up take responsibility for your actions and your decisions, stop expecting everything to be handed to you. Work for what you want and cherish what you need! I can't help people that won't help themselves. If you are not willing to work for things and try to help yourself then how do you expect others to help you. All you are doing is bringing the people that care about you down with you, and if you are ok with that or that is what you want then you are a pathetic waste of life. I try to be nice but I have come to the conclusion that people don't listen when I am nice so I'm gonna continue to be the bitch that I am very good at being and tell shit like it is. Anyone that is reading this that knows me knows I only have a few friends and most the time those few friends are too wrapped up in their BS drama that they can't get their heads out of their ass long enough to see that maybe they should approach life differently if the want something better in life. The funny thing about this is the people I really want to read this won't because they don't want to hear the truth so they never read my blog. I used to go out of my way to hang out with some of my closest friends until I realized it was a one way street that they don't visit me unless they need stuff or want to talk about their own BS but as soon as I start talking about something about myself they turn it back around so the conversation is all about them. I hope you get mad at me for the things I say because then you know how I feel and how shitty of people you guys really are. I don't care how many so called friends you might have but if they think you are the greatest friend in the world then either they have very shitty friends, or they are lying to you or the most likely thing is they don't really know you. I care deeply for my family and friends and I put their need above mine. You have no needs but your own and you claim to care but in the end it is all about how something can benefit you. I have offered to talk about our problems I have offered to help budget your finances to help you out I have been there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, now look back at all the ways I have tried to help make your life better and you just spit in my face then when your life is shit again you come to me for my help fuck you get yourself out of it without me this time and only then will you realize I wasn't being mean I was honest and tried to help you now that help is gone. The bridge is on fire and I don't know how to stop you from burning the last bridge you have to walk on. Good Luck!
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